Kitchen Witches by Caroline Smith
Directed by Douglas Avram
Dolly Biddle Jocelyn Rioux
Isobel (Izzy ) Lomax Lesley Chapman
Stephen Biddle Kyle Pickersgill
Roberta Jessica Laurie-Robar
Performance dates: October 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. & October 18 at 2:00 p.m.
Cooking show hostesses who have hated each other for 30 years are thrown together on a Cable TV show called The Kitchen Witches. The insults are flung harder than the food and the show becomes a mixture of Martha Stewart and Jerry Springer. Who would have thought cooking was this funny?
Directed by Douglas Avram
Dolly Biddle Jocelyn Rioux
Isobel (Izzy ) Lomax Lesley Chapman
Stephen Biddle Kyle Pickersgill
Roberta Jessica Laurie-Robar
Performance dates: October 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. & October 18 at 2:00 p.m.
Cooking show hostesses who have hated each other for 30 years are thrown together on a Cable TV show called The Kitchen Witches. The insults are flung harder than the food and the show becomes a mixture of Martha Stewart and Jerry Springer. Who would have thought cooking was this funny?
Lend Me A Tenor by Ken Ludwig
On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson
Norman Thayer - Greig Graham
Ethel Thayer - Jocelyne Rioux
Charlie Martin - Peter Juck
Chelsea Thayer Wayne - Liane Gregory
Billy Ray - Alex Pickersgill
- Jed Walker
Bill Ray - Kyle Pickersgill
Operator - Lesley Chapman
Here on the Flight Path by Norm Foster
Cast List:
John - John Allen
Faye - Charlene Hanson
Gwen - Nancy Bell
Angel - Leslie Lumley
Cast List:
John - John Allen
Faye - Charlene Hanson
Gwen - Nancy Bell
Angel - Leslie Lumley
Charlotte's Web adapted by Joseph Robinette. Based on the book by E.B. White.
December 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. & December 6 at 2:00 p.m.
Determined to save Wilbur, Charlotte begins her campaign with the miracle of her web.
Characters include: Wilbur, the irresistible young pig; Fern, a girl who understands what animals say to each other; Templeton, the gluttonous rat; the Zuckermans; the Arables; and an extraordinary spider, Charlotte, who proves to be a true friend and a good writer. This is a beautiful, knowing play about friendship that will create an evening of enchantment.
First Chorus Member Ellie Knickman
Second Chorus Member Michele Horton
Third Chorus Member Laurie Deven
Wilbur Brittany Hussey
Charlotte Leslie Lumley
Templeton Rob Ross
Gander Derek Johnson
Goose Cathy Ahara
Sheep Katie Goldsworthy
Lamb Erin McAdams
Uncle the Pig Tom Beharrell
Fern Arable Beth McIntyre
Avery Arable Ben Kurtz
John Arable Kyle Pickersgill
Martha Arable Jill Tosswill
Homer Zuckerman John Morrow
Edith Zuckerman Evelyn Henderson
Lurvy the farmhand Alex Canaran
Reporter Collin Dunn
Photographer Alex Pickersgill
First Spectator Emma Thornton
Second Spectator Zachary Sykes
First Fairgoer Jennifer Munchhof
Second Fairgoer Breanne Connon
Third Fairgoer Clare Yun
Announcer John Allen (unbilled)
Voice on speaker Collin Dunn
First Baby Spider Heather MacDonell
Second Baby Spider Madison Tosswill
Third Baby Spider Julia Thornton
Crowd- Nina Helkaa
Nick Tales
Megan Joyes